How to Run a Laravel-based Application using php artisan serve in a virtual server

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This article is specifically informing how to run a Laravel-based application using a certain command. The command is ‘php artisan serve’ to start opening port for listening an incoming request. Moreover, the Laravel-based application is running in a virtual server exist in a running VirtualBox application. So, the virtual server is actually a Linux CentOS 8 running in a CLI (Command Line Interface) mode. After running the Laravel-based application, accessing it from the local virtual server will be possible only using a command line.

Steps for running Laravel-based Application

In order to demonstrate it, the following are the steps to achieve it :

  1. First of all, just access the virtual server. Accessing virtual server can be a direct access or a remote access. In the context of a remote access using SSH conection, just read the article with the title of ‘How to Remote CentOS Virtual Server running in a VirtualBox with a NAT Network using SSH’ in this link.

  2. After successfully logging in to the virtual server, just run the application. By default, the command is in the following command :

    php artisan serve

    The execution exist as follows for an example :

    [root@10 app]# php artisan serve
    Starting Laravel development server:
    [Sat Mar 20 06:33:18 2021] PHP 7.4.16 Development Server ( started
  3. After that, do not forget to add a rule in the firewall service. The rule is to allow incoming request to port 8000. So, the following is the command execution to achieve it :

    [root@10 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
    [root@10 ~]#
  4. Soon after, just execute the following command to reload the firewall rule  :

    [root@10 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
    [root@10 ~]#
  5. Make sure there is a Laravel-based application already exist. Read the article in this link where the title is ‘How to Create a Laravel Project using PHP Composer Command’.

  6. Next, try to access the page directly from the command line. Since it is a virtual server running in a CLI (Command Line Interface) mode, so the following is the way to check the service provided using ‘php artisan serve’ :

    [root@10 app]# curl localhost:8000
    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    Laravel v8.33.1 (PHP v7.4.16)
    [root@10 app]#

    The access is limited from the local virtual server because it is running only from the local interface of ‘’. So, in order to test the service, it is only possible in the local virtual server. The parameter given in the ‘php artisan serve’ does not include any additional parameter to support listening on all available interfaces in the virtual server.

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