This is a short article for showing a simple task. It is about how to deactivate Anaconda prompt which is actually exist in an original Anaconda prompt. Actually, there is a specific need for deactivating the Anaconda prompt. The reason is because it is not necessary to use the python virtual environment of the Anaconda. The existence of another python virtual environment as a result for the command execution from python command to create a new python virtual environment in the Anaconda prompt. It exist in the previous article in this link. It is an article with the title of ‘How to Create Python Virtual Environment from Anaconda in Microsoft Windows’. Basically, the Anaconda prompt exist from the following execution depicting as in the image below :
How to Deactivate Python Virtual Environment in Anaconda Prompt
In order to deactivate the python virtual environment in Anaconda prompt, the following is the step for deactivating the Anaconda prompt :
First of all, the important thing is that the status of the python virtual environment of the Anaconda prompt is currently active. In this case, the ‘(base)’ pattern available as part of the Anaconda prompt indicate that it is currently activate. The following is the appearance of the initial Anaconda prompt :
(base) C:\training\django-training>
Following after, just type ‘conda deactivate’ as in the following command execution :
(base) C:\training\django-training>conda deactivate C:\training\django-training>
Since the ‘(base)’ pattern as part of the Anaconda prompt is no longer exist, it indicate that the Anaconda prompt has the python virtual environment deactivated.