This is an article where the main focus is just to solve an error message exist. The error message actually exist upon executing DBeaver. It is a software for database tool. It exist in the following link. Upon executing the DBeaver tool for connecting to MySQL database server, the following pop-up window dialog box appear :
The above image is from an article exist as also the main focus of the content where it exist is in this link. So, the main problem is connecting to MySQL database server require a database driver. By default DBeaver do not have it already after the installation process is finished. So, it is using ‘maven’ tool installed to get and download the database driver.
How to solve error message
So, in order to solve the error message as appear in the title of this article, the following are the steps :
Just make sure that maven tool is available. Type ‘mvn’ on the command prompt to check whether the maven path location in the environment variable path. If it is exist, it will make the maven execution tool is possible in every path and for every other tool which need it.
After that, also check the maven tool configuration is currently support HTTPS connection. The configuration is available in an article exist in this link. Normally, just add the following configuration to the maven/conf directory in a file with the name settings.conf :
<mirror> <id>central-secure</id> <url></url> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> </mirror>
The reason for why the maven repository itself cannot be found, the main one is because there is no maven tool available in the machine. Use existing maven such as the one available in an IDE like NetBeans and other type of available IDE. Another way is by manually download the maven and have it independently. Do not forget to make maven available for the execution in every path and for every tool. Just declare the path in the environment variable. In that case, DBeaver can use it to download the mysql-connector-java using the help from maven tool.