How to Solve Error Message -su: /snap/bin/go: No such file or directory

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This article is for discussing on how to solve an error message. The error message exists as part of the title of this article. It is ‘-su: /snap/bin/go: No such file or directory’. The error message is an output of a command execution. The following is the execution of the command :

root@hostname:~# go 
-su: /snap/bin/go: No such file or directory 

The error is available after the removal of the ‘go’ command. The ‘go’ command represents the command for executing golang source code. This is the command for the ‘go’ command removal from snap :

root@hostname:~# snap remove go
go removed

After the removal process of ‘go’, the error appear. So, there are several solution for solving the problem. The first solution is to install go using apt package manager. Just read the article in this link to install it. But after installing the ‘go’ utility using apt package manager, the error still persist.

Solving the problem

In order to solve the problem, just execute the following steps :

1. First of all, check the go command. Just type the following command :

user@hostname:/usr/bin$ which go

2. So, the command exist in the path as in the output of the above command. Next, try to execute the full path of the ‘go’ command as follows :

user@hostname:/usr/bin$ /usr/bin/go
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.


    go command [arguments]

The commands are:

    build       compile packages and dependencies
    clean       remove object files and cached files
    doc         show documentation for package or symbol
    env         print Go environment information
    bug         start a bug report
    fix         update packages to use new APIs
    fmt         gofmt (reformat) package sources
    generate    generate Go files by processing source
    get         download and install packages and dependencies
    install     compile and install packages and dependencies
    list        list packages
    run         compile and run Go program
    test        test packages
    tool        run specified go tool
    version     print Go version
    vet         report likely mistakes in packages

Use "go help [command]" for more information about a command.

Additional help topics:

    c           calling between Go and C
    buildmode   build modes
    cache       build and test caching
    filetype    file types
    gopath      GOPATH environment variable
    environment environment variables
    importpath  import path syntax
    packages    package lists
    testflag    testing flags
    testfunc    testing functions

Use "go help [topic]" for more information about that topic.


3. So, the problem is how to execute the command without the full path. Basically, the solution is simple. Just add the full path to the environment variable configuration file. Just edit the file where it is normally located in the home folder of the user. Normally, the name of the file is .bashrc. So, the full location of the file is in ‘/home/user/.bashrc’ if the user has an username of ‘user’. Just add the following line to the end of the file :

export GOPATH=/usr/bin/go

4. After saving the file, execute the following command to reload the environment variable. It is useful so to execute the ‘go’ command without the full path.

user@hostname:/usr/bin$ source /home/user/.bashrc

5. Next, type the following command to check the environment variable’s value :

user@hostname:/usr/bin$ echo $GOPATH
user@hostname:/usr/bin$ echo $PATH

6. Finally, execute the ‘go’ command without the full path to prove the solution is working. Type ‘go’ in the command line. If it is working the error message will not appear.

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