How to Grant All Privileges for a Specific Schema in PostgreSQL Database

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Grant Privilege for All Tables in Specific Schema in PostgreSQL Database

This is an article for showing to grant privileges for all tables in a specific schema in PostgreSQL database. The process is very simple. It just took one single query to achieve it. The process for executing it exist in the PostgreSQL command console. The following is the actual execution of the process with several steps :

  1. Access the PostgreSQL command console as follows :

    C:\app>psql -Upostgres
    Password for user postgres:
    psql (12.2)
    WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
             8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
             page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
    Type "help" for help.
  2. After that, just list the available schema by executing the following command :

    postgres=# \dn
       List of schemas
       Name        |  Owner
     customer      | postgres
     distributor   | postgres
     product       | postgres
     transaction   | postgres
     public        | postgres
     vendor        | postgres
    (6 rows)
  3. If the user which is going to be granted the privilege does not exist, create it first :
    postgres=# create user admin with password ‘password’;


  4. But before going after, check the privileges of the schema by executing the following command :

    postgres=# \dn+
                               List of schemas
       Name        |  Owner   |  Access privileges   |      Description
     customer      | postgres |                      |
     distributor   | postgres |                      | 
     product       | postgres |                      |
     public        | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres+| standard public schema 
                   |          | =UC/postgres         | 
     transaction   | postgres |                      |
     vendor        | postgres |                      |
    (6 rows)
  5. So, in order to assign all privileges of one user to a specific schema, the following is the command execution :

    postgres=# grant all privileges on schema customer to admin;

    The above example is showing how to grant all privileges to a specific schema. That schema name is ‘customer’. Moreover, the target user for the privilege granting process is ‘admin’.

  6. Finally, check the privilege list for the schema to show that the granted privilege has exist.
    postgres=# \dn+
                               List of schemas
       Name        |  Owner   |  Access privileges   |      Description
     customer      | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres+|  
                   | postgres | admin=UC/postgres    |
     distributor   | postgres |                      | 
     product       | postgres |                      |
     public        | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres+| standard public schema 
                   |          | =UC/postgres         | 
     transaction   | postgres |                      |
     vendor        | postgres |                      |
    (6 rows)


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