This article is providing information about the step for installing Rapidminer in a local device running Microsoft Windows operating system. Furthermore, Rapidminer is an software platform or an application mainly for data science purpose. It provide an integrated environment for machine learning, deep learning, text minin, predictive analytics. As being said, with all of those features available in the application, personal, education, business and commercial organization mainly use it for research, educational purpose, training, rapid prototype development, application development which support every steps for machine learning process including data preparation, result visualization, validation and optimalization.
How to Install Rapidminer Studio in Microsoft Windows
In this part, the main focus will be steps for installing Rapidminer Studio. Those steps exist below in a sequence order :
Off course, the first one is downloading the installer first. Currently, just visit it in the official webpage of Rapidminer in this link. But for a more elaborate info for further download, just visit this link. In that page, there will be a link for downloading Rapidminer Studio for educational purpose. It appears in the following image :
How to Install Rapidminer Studio in Microsoft Windows Just click the Download Studio button exist in the page as in the image appearance above.
After clicking the Download Studio button, it will redirect that page to another page. In the other page, it will ask to create a rapidminer account before downloading the rapidminer studio’s installer as follows :
How to Install Rapidminer Studio in Microsoft Windows Do not forget to confirm by reactivating the account. After creating the rapidminer account, an email will come to the mail account used for the registration process. Just click the activation link and the rapidminer account will be active.
Soon after creating the account successfully and it is active, just go try to login to the rapidminer official webpage as follows :
How to Install Rapidminer Studio in Microsoft Windows -
Next, just click the Downloads link in the member page, it will then redirect the page to the following page below :
How to Install Rapidminer Studio in Microsoft Windows -
In this context as an example, it download the Rapidminer studio’s installer for Microsoft Windows 64-bit’s operating system. So, download it and then save it to the local device. In this context, there will be a new file with the name of ‘rapidminer-studio-9.10.11-win64-install.exe’
Double click to run the installer file with the name of ‘rapidminer-studio-9.10.11-win64-install.exe’ in this context, it may different depend on the version of the installer.
If there are no further trouble in the installation, it will display the main window of the Rapidminer studio.