This article has a specific content for explaining about how to activate ‘mod_rewrite’ in Apache Webserver. One of the actual function having this module is to be able to recognize the ‘RewriteEngine’ line configuration in ‘.htaccess’ file. It is very important in order to modify the URL address of a web-based application running in Apache Webserver. Moreover, the behavior for the URL modification is actually exist in that file of ‘.htaccess’. So, the following is the actual content of the .htaccess for an example :
# BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </ifmodule> # END WordPress
The above is an example of the ‘.htaccess’ file for a WordPress-based web application. So, in order to be able to process each of the line exist in that content, there must be a rewrite module in the Apache Webserver and it is active. In order to activate the rewrite module in the Apache Webserver, the following is the step to achieve it :
1. Check that the rewrite module is available. Normally, it exist in ‘/etc/apache2/mods-available’ in the case of Linux Ubuntu distribution specifically in this context, Linux Ubuntu 19.10. The following is the content of the directory :
root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available# ls access_compat.load authnz_fcgi.load cache_socache.load dir.load info.conf mime_magic.load proxy_express.load remoteip.load socache_shmcb.load actions.conf authnz_ldap.load cern_meta.load dump_io.load info.load mpm_event.conf proxy_fcgi.load reqtimeout.conf speling.load actions.load authz_core.load cgid.conf echo.load lbmethod_bybusyness.load mpm_event.load proxy_fdpass.load reqtimeout.load ssl.conf alias.conf authz_dbd.load cgid.load env.load lbmethod_byrequests.load mpm_prefork.conf proxy_ftp.conf request.load ssl.load alias.load authz_dbm.load cgi.load expires.load lbmethod_bytraffic.load mpm_prefork.load proxy_ftp.load rewrite.load status.conf allowmethods.load authz_groupfile.load charset_lite.load ext_filter.load lbmethod_heartbeat.load mpm_worker.conf proxy_hcheck.load sed.load status.load asis.load authz_host.load data.load file_cache.load ldap.conf mpm_worker.load proxy_html.conf session_cookie.load substitute.load auth_basic.load authz_owner.load dav_fs.conf filter.load ldap.load negotiation.conf proxy_html.load session_crypto.load suexec.load auth_digest.load authz_user.load dav_fs.load headers.load log_debug.load negotiation.load proxy_http2.load session_dbd.load unique_id.load auth_form.load autoindex.conf dav.load heartbeat.load log_forensic.load php7.3.conf proxy_http.load session.load userdir.conf authn_anon.load autoindex.load dav_lock.load heartmonitor.load lua.load php7.3.load proxy.load setenvif.conf userdir.load authn_core.load brotli.load dbd.load http2.conf macro.load proxy_ajp.load proxy_scgi.load setenvif.load usertrack.load authn_dbd.load buffer.load deflate.conf http2.load md.load proxy_balancer.conf proxy_uwsgi.load slotmem_plain.load vhost_alias.load authn_dbm.load cache_disk.conf deflate.load ident.load mime.conf proxy_balancer.load proxy_wstunnel.load slotmem_shm.load xml2enc.load authn_file.load cache_disk.load dialup.load imagemap.load mime.load proxy.conf ratelimit.load socache_dbm.load authn_socache.load cache.load dir.conf include.load mime_magic.conf proxy_connect.load reflector.load socache_memcache.load root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available#
a2enmod rewrite
2. Next step, just check if the module is currently active as part of the running Apache Webserver. Execute the following command to check it :
root@hostname:~# apachectl -M | grep rewrite rewrite_module (shared) root@hostname:~#
3. If there is no ‘rewrite’ module which in the active state as part of the running Apache Webserver, just run the following command :
root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available# a2enmod rewrite Enabling module rewrite. To activate the new configuration, you need to run: systemctl restart apache2 root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available#
4. Finally, don’t forget to restart the Apache Webserver’s service as follows :
root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available# systemctl restart apache2 root@hostname:/etc/apache2/mods-available#
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