How to Solve Error Message Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user’s password of Gitlab Docker Container

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How to Solve Error Message Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user’s password of Gitlab Docker Container

An error appear when a process execution of a certain command ended in failure. That command execution is intended just to change the password of a root account. It is a password to access the Gitlab repository. Specifically, it is a Gitlab repository running using a Docker container. In this case, the Docker container is running in a Windows operating system. So, the following content will be just solving how to be able to solve the problem.

Table of Contents


First of all, before going on to the solution for solving the problem, the following are steps of process in sequence to the point at the appearance of Below is the information showing the running Docker container for serving the Gitlab repository :

  1. Checking the running Docker container serving the Gitlab repository :

    C:\Users\Personal>docker ps --all | findstr gitlab
    0617572fd1d7 gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest "/assets/wrapper" 9 months ago Up 6 hours (healthy)>22/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp gitlab
  2. Since it is already, running, just access the Gitlab repository URL as it exist in ‘localhost’ with the port of 80 as follows :

    How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user password of Gitlab Docker Container
    How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user password of Gitlab Docker Container
  3. Apparently, accessing it with root account just ended in failure. The reason is because the entered password of the root account is not correct as in the following image :

    How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user's password of Gitlab Docker Container
    How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user’s password of Gitlab Docker Container
  4. Because of that, there is a need to change the password of the root account. It is possible by accessing the command line interface or the bash shell of the Docker container by executing he following command :

    C:\Users\Personal>docker exec -it 0617572fd1d7 /bin/bash
  5. After that, just execute the command for changing or resetting the password of the root account as follows :

    root@gitlab:/# gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
    Enter password:
    Confirm password:
    Unable to change password of the user with username root.
    Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters

How to Solve Error Message Unable to change password of the user with username root. Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters

So, in order to solve the above error message, it is very easy to do. Just read the policy for setting the password. Actually, there are rules or policy for setting the password exist in the Gitlab documentation exist in this link in the password requirements section. Just fulfill all the requirements and execute the command for resetting the root user password as follows :

root@gitlab:/# gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
Enter password:
Confirm password:
Unable to change password of the user with username root.
Password must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters

Test the solution

Finally, in order to test the solution which is available from the previous command execution, just get into the Gitlab repository using ‘root’ account. The following is the appeareance of it :

How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user's password of Gitlab Docker Container
How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user’s password of Gitlab Docker Container

If the login process using the root account is a success, the following appearance of the main display of the Gitlab repository will be present :

How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user's password of Gitlab Docker Container
How to Solve Error Message Passwod must not contain commonly used combinations of words and letters when changing root user’s password of Gitlab Docker Container

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