How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows

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This is an article where the main focus is just to show how to solve a specific error message. That error message upon executing a command. Furthermore, that command execution is in a PowerShell application exist in a local device. That local device is running using Microsoft Windows operating system. As an additional information, the PowerShell running using a normal user account.The following image is showing the error message :

How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows

The following is the steps where the it end with the appearance of the above error message :

  1. The first step is searching the PowerShell as in the following image :

    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
  2. Next, just run it ffter finding the Windows PowerShell application. A PowerShell window will appear as in the following image :

    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
  3. Continue on, the execution of the command in the PowerShell take place ends in failure. It exist as in the image in the previous part. The reason is because it does not have enough privileges to execute that command. It need an Administrator account to have an Administrator privilege. In that case, just execute the PowerShell with an Administrator account as follows :

    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
  4.  So, continue on the above step. Just type the command execution as in the previous part. It will appear as follows :

    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
  5. Following after, just type ‘Y’ in the above image. The following image is the appearance of the output of the command execution after typing ‘Y’ :

    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
    How to Solve Error Message Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The requested operation requires elevation when Enabling Hyper-V Engine in Microsoft Windows
  6. After that, just restart the device in order to use the Hyper-V engine. Especially for further usage in the Docker Desktop application.

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