How to Authenticate Github Account to Use Snyk in Microsoft Windows
This is an article where the content which is becoming the subject of the article exist as from the title of it. It will show how to authenticate Github account for Snyk so that it will be available for further usage. So, Snyk will be available for further usage after the authentication process for the Github account is a success.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Authenticate Github Account to Use Snyk in Microsoft Windows
- Test Snyk Tool in Microsoft Windows
So, the main concern which is become the subject of this article is about how to authenticate Github account in order to use Snyk in Microsoft Windows. This process is actually the continuation of the previous one. That is the installation process where it exist for further reference as in ‘How to Install Snyk in Microsoft Windows‘. As for the preparation of the purpose for authenticating Github account for using Snyk, just perform the following preparation :
First of all, it is obvious to run the command line interface.
Next step, it is also a step to the actual step to test whether ‘Snyk’ tool is exist and it is available. Just type ‘snyk’ in the command line interface as follows :
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.1265] (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Personal>snyk CLI help Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities and license issues. For more information visit the Snyk website For details see the CLI documentation How to get started 1. Authenticate by running snyk auth 2. Test your local project with snyk test 3. Get alerted for new vulnerabilities with snyk monitor Available commands To learn more about each Snyk CLI command, use the --help option, for example, snyk auth --help. Note: The help on the docs site is the same as the --help in the CLI. snyk auth Authenticate Snyk CLI with a Snyk account. snyk test Test a project for open source vulnerabilities and license issues. Note: Use snyk test --unmanaged to scan all files for known open source dependencies (C/C++ only). snyk monitor Snapshot and continuously monitor a project for open source vulnerabilities and license issues. snyk container Test container images for vulnerabilities. snyk iac Commands to find and manage security issues in Infrastructure as Code files. snyk code Find security issues using static code analysis. snyk log4shell Find Log4Shell vulnerability. snyk config Manage Snyk CLI configuration. snyk policy Display the .snyk policy for a package. snyk ignore Modify the .snyk policy to ignore stated issues. Debug Use -d option to output the debug logs. Configure the Snyk CLI You can use environment variables to configure the Snyk CLI and also set variables to configure the Snyk CLI to connect with the Snyk API. See Configure the Snyk CLI C:\Users\Personal>
Authenticate Github Account to Use Snyk in Microsoft Windows
After finishing on the installation, before Snyk is available for further use, there is another important step which is necessary. That step is authenticating the Snyk tool. For achieving that purpose, below are the steps to accomplish that :
The following is the process to achieve that by typing the command ‘snyk auth’ as follows :
PS C:\snyk> snyk auth Now redirecting you to our auth page, go ahead and log in, and once the auth is complete, return to this prompt and you'll be ready to start using snyk. If you can't wait use this url:
Just past the above link which is ‘’ into any available web browser. The following page will appear for continuing on the Github account authentication process for Snyk :
As the URL redirection process is done, the following page will appear :
Do not forget to login to the Github account and click the green button with the label of ‘Authorize snyk’. And then, it will proceed to the following page :
In the above page, just click the Authenticate button. It will authenticate github account for further access from Snyk in the command line interface. If the process is a success, the following page will appear :
After that, go back to the command line interface once more. The output will have an additional message informing that the GIthub account has been authenticated. So, Snyk is ready for further usage. Below is the appearance of it :
PS C:\snyk> snyk auth Now redirecting you to our auth page, go ahead and log in, and once the auth is complete, return to this prompt and you'll be ready to start using snyk. If you can't wait use this url: Your account has been authenticated. Snyk is now ready to be used. PS C:\snyk>
Test Snyk Tool in Microsoft Windows
Finally, just to make sure that the ‘Snyk’ tool is already working after the authentication, just execute the following command as an example :
C:\Users\Personal>snyk container monitor nginx Monitoring nginx (docker-image|nginx)... Explore this snapshot at Notifications about newly disclosed issues related to these dependencies will be emailed to you. ------------------------------------------------------- Monitoring nginx... Detected 0 dependencies (no project created) C:\Users\Personal>
So, the command pattern above is actually ‘snyk container monitor docker_images’. In the above context as an example, the ‘docker_images’ is ‘nginx’. So, the name as an example above depends to the existence of the available docker image in the host or in the device.