In this article, there will be a short explanation on how to backup logical volume to a file. In this […]
Month: June 2017
Laravel Database: Query Builder check not null
This is an article where the focus is how to detect whether or not a query executed via DB Facade […]
Drop Foreign Key MySQL via Command Line
This article is specifically describing on how to drop foreign key exist in a table within MySQL Database Server. The […]
Moodle 3.2 or later requires at least php 5.6.5
In this article, we will discuss an error produced while installing Moodle version 3.2. As we already known before, Moodle […]
FATAL error:$CFG->dataroot is not writable, admin has to fix directory permissions!
The error written in the title of the article which is ‘Fatal error:$CFG->dataroot is not writable, admin has to fix […]
Fatal error:$CFG->dataroot is not configured properly, directory does not exist or is not accessible!
The error specified in the title of this article is displayed clearly in the progress of installing Moodle. Briefly explained, […]
Describing table in PostgreSQL
Describing table in PostgreSQL Describing table in PostgreSQL Database Server is quite easy somehow. Especially if it is done in […]
Laravel Error Message : Class name does not exist
An article discuss on examining or trying to find out with the error message triggered in a Laravel based web […]